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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dawn Of War - Dark Crusade

Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn Of War Dark CrusadeThe second expansion to Dawn of War includes all-new, explosive Dawn of War single-player action play, new multiplayer content, and two new playable races including the technologically devastating Tau. In addition to the two new playable races, Dark Crusade will feature an all-new single player campaign centering on the conquest of a “meta-map,” with each territory captured giving tangible rewards to the occupying force. Also featured is a greatly expanded multiplayer component and a completely unique economy model for the Necrons. Warhammer 40K: Dark Crusade is also a stand-alone expansion — it adds bonus content to Dawn of War and Winter Assault, but it can also be played on its own without needing a copy of the original game.

Install Instructions
1. Burn/mount the discs
2. Install the game and register using the serial found on disc 1
3. Mount the mini ISO in the ‘Crack’ folder on disc 1 to bypass the copy protection
4. Enjoy!

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