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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide A Primer

"This guide is an excellent introduction to SAS Enterprise Guide for users new to Enterprise Guide, new to statistics, or both. A user stepping through all the examples in this book would end up being exposed to many different types of data and a variety of commonly-used statistical techniques, from t-tests and Fisher's Exact Test to logistic regression and survival analysis. Throughout, the emphasis is on good statistical practices - looking at the data, thinking about what questions to ask about the data, and then using statistical methods to address those questions. The examples provide excellent illustrations of how to use Enterprise Guide to accomplish these tasks at just the right level of detail, and it is obvious from the context how to extend the examples to more complex situations. This book is recommended for anyone who wants to learn the basics of SAS Enterprise Guide for statistical analysis." –David J. Pasta, Vice President, Statistics & Data Operations, ICON Clinical Research


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