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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Windows Vista Bible Desktop Edition

In a nutshell, this book is for people who are clueless about computers and want to stop being that way. It’s a book for people who have Windows Vista on their computers, but aren’t sure why, or what they’re supposed to do with it. It’s a book about using your computer to do the things that most people want to do, including (but not limited to) those activities described in the aforementioned title-with-too-many-words.
This is a book for people who have never touched a computer in their lives or have just enough experience to want to touch their PC extremely hard with a sledgehammer. It’s a book for people who either don’t realize yet, or have come to realize the hard way, that when it comes to using a PC, the following is dead-bang true: "Guessing doesn’t work."
If you can read the following sentence and picture clearly how, when, and why you want to do what it says, this may not be the right book for you:Right-drag the selected items to the destination folder, drop, and then choose Copy Here or Move Here, depending on which you want to do, from the shortcut menu.
this is a book for people who can read the above sentence and honestly say, “I have no idea what he’s talking about.”


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